Chicken koloke. Pour the chicken with koloke sauce. Serve it with rice and vegetable salad. One of popular snack nowdays in Indonesia.
You can add nutella as topping if you like or add.
Resep Ayam Koloke Saus Asam Manis - Ayam koloke yang punya julukan ayam kuluyuk merupakan salah satu masakan yang seringkali di temui di rumah makan atau tenda kaki lima yang menyajikan masakan khas cina.
Sebutan ayam koloke yang juga makanan khas oriental berbahan dasar ayam filet ini memang tidak setenar fuyunghai (fu yung hai), ifumie, kung pao chicken, kwetiauw, ayam mentega dan capcay.
You can have Chicken koloke using 13 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you cook it.
Ingredients of Chicken koloke
- Prepare 300 gr of breast chicken fillet.
- Prepare 1/4 kg of seasoned flour.
- Prepare 1/4 of onion.
- Prepare 1 of garlic.
- Prepare 2 of small chili.
- It's 2 tbsp of sugar.
- Prepare 1/2 tsp of salt.
- You need 2 tbsp of tomato sauce.
- You need 1 tbsp of sesame oil.
- Prepare 1 tbsp of lemon water.
- You need 500 ml of water.
- Prepare of Oil.
- It's 1 tbsp of maize scratch.
Koloke is a kind of many delicious Chinese food. Koloke made from chicken meat which is formed in such a way as to be a piece of chicken meat that was relatively small, then coated by the flour, salt and other seasonings and the chicken meat fried until cooked and give pasta sauce or give another sauce as you want. A classic, justifiably popular Japanese stir fry in which chicken cooked in a yummy soy sauce, chili paste garlic blend is tossed with buckwheat soba noodles, carrot, cabbage and onion. Easy, great tasting tuna coated with sesame seeds, and quickly seared.
Chicken koloke instructions
- Cut breast chicken fillet into small cubical shape.
- Mix 8tbsp seasoned flour with water then pour the chicken in it. after that, pour the chicken inside the dry seasoned flour.
- Heat the oil (i used medium fire) then deep fry it. Wait until golden brown.
- Cut the onion, shreded the garlic, cut chili.
- Heat the pan, put a little bit oil then fry cutted onion, shredded garlic and cutted chili. Then add salt, sugar, sesame oil, tomato sauce. Then add 500ml water and add maize scratch. Wait until it turn into little bit slimey :p.
- Pour the chicken with koloke sauce...
- Serve it with rice and vegetable salad..
- Note: for vegetable salad i used shredded cabbage and shredded carrot then i add 1 tsp sugar water and 1 tbsp lime water. Then i pour mayonnaise on it..
This tuna is served rare, so be sure to use a good. Koloke yang sudah digoreng tersebut kemudian disiram dengan saus asam manis dan disajikan bersama acar timun, tomat, wortel, kembang kol, dan nanas. Dibandingkan dengan makanan asal Tiongkok lainnya seperti fuyunghai, cakwe, dan kwetiau, koloke memang masih asing di telinga. Maka dari itu cukup sulit menemukan tempat makan yang menjual menu. Koloke merupakan makanan khas oriental berbahan dasar ayam filet.